Chat With Elaina St James
Known as "That Mom", Adult Content Creator,, Author, and Merchandise Designer, Elaina St. James has hosted Chat with Elaina St James podcast since 2023. After restarting her professional life at 54, Elaina brings her unique perspective on pop culture, social media, travel and the adult industry. Guests from social media and adult entertainment will share their stories and behind the scenes insight. You can expect to laugh, learn and be inspired because if it's not fun, you're doing it wrong!
You can follow Elaina on both Instagram and Twitter @ElainaStJames
For all links https://www.elainaverified.com
Chat With Elaina St James
Episode 16: Cozy Cabin Mom aka Sweet Margs
In this conversation, Elaina St James interviews Sweet Margs, also known as Cozy Cabin Mom, about her Instagram accounts and her unique style. Sweet Margs shares her journey of renovating her cabin and documenting it on her Bella Builds Instagram account. She also talks about her Cozy Cabin Mom persona, where she showcases her softer and nurturing side through activities like baking, gardening, and embroidery. The conversation also touches on Sweet Margs' relationship with her animals, particularly her turkey Winston, and her meticulous bed-making routine. The style of Sweet Margs' photography and videos is discussed, highlighting her use of different angles and long-format footage. In this conversation, Sweet Margs and Elaina St James discuss Sweet Margs' unique online persona and her success on OnlyFans. They talk about her wardrobe choices, the creation of different characters, and the impact of her content. Sweet Margs shares her desire to create a community of tiny houses for low-income families and her passion for gardening. They also discuss the importance of representation and body positivity in the adult industry.
For more about Cozy Cabin Mom/Sweet Margs: https://linktr.ee/sweetslink
For More about Elaina St James: https://ElainaVerified.com
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For More About Elaina: www.ElainaStJames.com